Web Fundamentals
Web Fundamentals
What is Website?
Website is the collection of multiple webpages.
Components of Website
2) CSS
3) JS
HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language. It is a language used for creating webpages and holding content like images,audio,video.
Latest version of HTML is HTML5. It provides more facilities than the previous four version of HTML. The first version of HTML is released in the year 1991.
Markup Language is a language which is made up of tags. In HTML, there are different tags which have different meaning.
HTML contains open and closing tag as well as self closing tags.
Examples are:
Self closing tags are img, br, hr.
Boilerplate of HTML5:
<!DOCTYPE html>
Hello world
<!DOCTYPE html> - It is a line which describes that it is the HTML document and display the website carefully.
<html> - root element of the code.
<head> - It is a part which contains information about the website. The contents inside this tag will not visible to the users.
<body> - It is a part which contains actual data about the website. The contents inside this tag will visible to the users.
HTML is a case insensitive language. Ex:
<p> and <P> does not affect the code.
Extension of HTML file is .html
CSS: It stands for Cascading style sheets. The main purpose of using CSS is that the webpages will be styled and it is beautiful.
Extension of CSS file is .css
It is JavaScript. It provides functionality and behaviour to the website. It can be embedded within the html code using <script> tag within head tag.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script> </script>
Hello world
* Network of Networks
* Used for Communication purpose between the devices
* On 29 October 1969, ARPANET stands for (Advanced Research Projects Agency) was then renamed as Internet.
* Internet is mainly used for communication purpose
* It uses packet routing network
* Both protocol helps us to standarize web and they are: TCP and IP
TCP stands for Transmission Control Protocol which works with IP to ensure that the transmission of data is dependent.
IP stands for Internet Protocol which states "a set of rules which governs how the data can be transferred from a device to another device."
IP address is in the numeric format.
DNS: DNS stands for Domain Name System.
It is a technique which is used to convert address to numeric form.
To know more about it, refer to this link:
1) Your Device is connected to Router or Modem
2) Every website will have an unique URL ( Uniform Resource Location) will contact with ISP where you want to go
3) Then ISP will pass to the query to multi servers like DNS and NAP
4) My browser will try to fetch the IP address of that website from the server.
5) My browser send a HTTP Request for the server to get a copy of the website
6) Then the server will accept the request then it will send 200 OK message to ths request and then it will give us the files to view the website.
It can be done within seconds.
It is an application which is used to fetch websites or required information from the internet.
It contains rendering engine which consists of data can be converted into text or images.
Domain Name:
Domain name is a name which is assigned to the website to access it.
Ex: https://www.tamilpaiyan2003.blogspot.com here tamilpaiyan2003 is the domain.
It is the process of storing a website in a particular site which can be accessed by everyone.
Client- Server Architecture:
It is also known as Request- Response Cycle.
Client or user who will request for an information.
Server is a device which responses for that request, and it stores a huge number of data within it.
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