It is defined as the process of giving a set of instructions to the computer to do a task.
Ex: Write a program to obtain sum of two numbers.
Programming Language:
Those instructions are written in a language is known as programming language.
Types of Programming Languages:
There are three types of Programming Languages
1) Low level Language or Machine Level Language
2) Assembly Level Language
3)High Level Language
Low level language:
These are the language which is understandable only for machines,
Not human readable,
It consists only of zeroes and ones
Complex logic programs are hard to write in this language.
Assembly Level Language;
Assembly Level Language overcomes the difficulty of Machine Level Language
It consists of some human understandable words (MOV, ADD) instead of zeroes and ones
Complex logic programs are tough to write
It has a device named"Assembler" which converts our source code into machine understandable code and vice versa.
High level language:
Human understandable language
Complex programs are easy to write in this language
Not machine understandable
It uses complier/ interpreter to convert source code into machine understandable code and that machine understandable code into human readable code.
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